Life's Too Short

Sitting on the couch with Stephanie waiting for Kim to get off work!

Posted on: October 22, 2011

Greetings from Denver!  We made it to Denver early this afternoon!  Stephanie picked us up at the Prime yard and we watched the Husker win over Minnesota while doing the laundry.  Exciting, I know!  Kim gets off work tonight at 8:00 and we will spend the evening doing some family bonding.  Woohoo!  George is going to take the load on to Cheyenne tonight while I stay with my wonderful daughters then will pick me up on the way to Fort Morgan tomorrow!  We have a new trip that we will pick up in Fort Morgan, CO sometime tomorrow to deliver in Anniston, AL Wednesday morning.  More details to come.

Here are some of the pictures from the last week.

Big creepy pumpking in MO

Yes, there is a Cassville, MO!

Thought this Coke 'sign' in AR was cool.

Mississippi River

Mississippi River with Baton Rouge, LA in background.

Acthafalaya Swamp bridge in LA

Same bridge. It was 18 miles long!

The swamp

More swamp!

Houston skyline

Galveston Bay with Gulf of Mexico in background.

Carnival Cruise ship in Galveston

Dallas skyline

Parts of Texas are extremely boring...

Sunrise in OK

Requested grainy photo of the stove-to-go. Pan holds 1.5 liters. Also includes a steaming tray.


2 Responses to "Sitting on the couch with Stephanie waiting for Kim to get off work!"

WOW! The stove to go is very cute! 🙂 That would only serve one in our household, aka Steve! LOL Thanks for posting the picture. I was wanting to know what it looked like! Glad you got to see your daughters! Post some pictures of them, if they let you! 😉 Safe travels to you!

Amazingly, we often have leftovers when we cook! So usually we get two meals each time we cook with the little thing. The exception would be the monkey bread…

We didn’t take any pictures this visit, but hopefully we’ll all be together at Christmas, so I’ll definitely post some family pictures then!

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